QuiƩnes Somos


We are Marian and Juani, mother and daughter, co-founders of Maluca and we want to tell you our story. We started this venture on September 21, 2019, with the idea of ā€‹ā€‹doing something to spend more time together. We started with a minimal investment and to each event we went to, or together with friends, we carried a bag with our bikinis, to be able to make them known. At that time, Juani worked under a dependency relationship, so Marian worked full time for Maluca. With the arrival of the pandemic, we were slowed down for a few months, like many other entrepreneurs, but as soon as we were able to resume, we created our Online Shop to start selling to the entire country so that they can discover our products from different parts of Argentina. Little by little we grew, with a lot of effort and perseverance, Juani finally resigned from his job in a dependency relationship and we were both able to dedicate ourselves fully to Maluca, which is what we are passionate about and like to do! We invite you to join this community that grows a little more every day, be part of the #MLCSQUAD, and accompany us on this path, we are sure you will not regret it. THANK YOU for being on the other side and making all this possible!



Somos Marian y Juani, madre e hija, co-fundadoras de Maluca y queremos contarte nuestra historia.
Empezamos este emprendimiento el 21 de Septiembre de 2019, con la idea de hacer algo para pasar mayor tiempo juntas.Ā 
Arrancamos con una inversiĆ³n mĆ­nima y a cada evento que Ć­bamos, o juntada con amigas, llevabamos un bolsito con nuestras bikinis, para poder darlas a conocer. En ese entonces, Juani, trabajaba bajo relaciĆ³n de dependencia, asĆ­ que Marian cumplia tiempo completo para Maluca.Ā 
Con la llegada de la pandemia, estuvimos algunos meses frenadas, como muchos otros emprendedores, pero en cuĆ”nto pudimos volver a retomar, nos creamos nuestro Shop Online para empezar a vender a todo el paĆ­s y que puedan conocer nuestros productos desde diferentes partes de Argentina.Ā 
De a poquito fuimos creciendo, con muchĆ­simo esfuerzo y constancia, Juani, finalmente renunciĆ³ a su trabajo en relaciĆ³n de dependencia y pudimos las dos dedicarnos de lleno a Maluca, que es lo que nos apasiona y nos gusta hacer!Ā 

Te invitamos a sumarte a esta comunidad que dĆ­a a dĆ­a crece un poquitito mĆ”s, formar parte del #MLCSQUAD, y acompaƱarnos en este camino, estamos seguras que no te vas a arrepentir.Ā 

GRACIAS por estar del otro lado y hacer que todo esto sea posible!